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發表於 2014-12-2 10:33:37 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

[亞洲無碼] [2014韓國][劇情][未成年人俱樂部][720P.MKV/2.39G][韓語] [複製鏈接]

; t: h2 v' Y* b' n
; B1 p# C- Q: \6 Y! B6 u1 D( r9 I2 ^/ U3 U2 q! n, J! L* K/ T' |
5 @" T3 W" F; k0 O) r- D' p
未成年人俱樂部 ????? (2014)  B" c+ X: ^* p, @( z
導演: Lee Won-woo (???)2 |/ h0 c+ M9 |7 @
主演: ??? /徐英 Seo Yeong (??) /Yoo Jae-myeong (???)
% s% h1 z) B" c類型: 劇情
5 Z$ x' Z5 ~! D) y! N% \制片國家/地區: 韓國4 @/ U8 D# ]* a3 J* U5 r; G
語言: 韓語
& v" r8 h0 E3 F( T上映日期: 2014-11-29
' C; j$ k" }' B0 x$ ^片長: 95分鍾/ T) y- {/ _5 G! {. f8 n! O
又名: minorclub$ ]' D1 @; G6 x1 f2 V$ y" d6 e

0 U" b+ P. A7 O* P* o  M: x) cDont even end up wandering the end!6 R) h& P# w7 {, L' s* l& O" K
Hale and toured the Hongdae club and flirt with girls is hanryang. Married woman touching a redneck to the club
; w4 g; L; h: hDiscarded beaten. Min-hee that they seek a tsunami crashing her home series with the lake next to the tsunami
: a' x; O. {5 O$ c2 KHas collapsed.; M  [& _  u" o* Y% H; ]
Inevitably Min-hee is placed down the three men go to work all over the house. Aroused from sleep tsunami, lakes, each installment is bojiman first, T" V/ D% e0 V$ w  {! r. O- G% ^
Meet in a new house goes on gamyeo set the record straight laced together. Youth of the youth. Bojiman first tsunami, series, Min-hee, Abby,! H6 b  a4 T  g' f5 O$ p
The lake is only a midnight snack and drink at night, starting, song, sex, and ending up fighting all the scattered.
7 }% t, U9 s9 r  E& u- i" o7 t3 @After the tsunami to break Min-hee and arguing, the lake is to help get my sister to multiple friends, but look good+ i) z6 G& {0 q, a0 S& N( w
Rejected. Series has unfortunately been kidnapped by Thugs in, Abby five-year-old son, who was leaving the demonstration Min-hee,1 B( ^, f) K5 M6 x9 [) M
One night to go to Hongdae club wants to play like before." m1 n' e+ @  J& ~
The Joker is clear the master DJ’s Hongdae Club collects attract their colleagues to take up the club. In the process,
# ~$ {% L+ u  BKidnap a DJ favorite series, and this club jukdolyi tsunami laced As the war unfolds in the dreams of youth bout.% A' z: }/ c: e6 [' w
The tsunami can see the past and future do guhalkka the series? Abby and Abby Min-hee could find cute son?
% e4 Z1 C# A, F4 k/ C; KThe lake is do some revenge for my sister? Is money a reality of the dream Joker dream? Is it lonely?
: k- O( @: Y% y. y% ?% |
8 t7 w) U( y$ h; k( I' D, {7 s5 P4 ]6 B$ K! U+ c- o

) x+ L' J% t8 V
- k" e2 g6 \5 K* c: C7 l7 \, n
$ M+ M( I5 a) I, D6 Y  y$ R! z) ~5 E& c+ }: M
# ~7 K4 f+ R$ G. G, O6 b( y7 S

0 y. Y3 ^. P8 U$ N/ j2 O7 y6 g% X4 L: l

( X# D# _, r) Q: q0 y' o. k. i" Q1 |5 v- K! b
8 K6 ]5 w/ z! _) ?; X/ m7 g3 ], h

. ?3 f# `5 r2 Z& a. O. L0 L2 ?/ b
0 O& }4 _4 k4 X/ ?) F
1 _$ a0 T0 Q3 N1 f& w; Y( k9 r* Z
* j4 g1 S; g& i3 G
* |" s3 x9 s! Q* i, l* g
' ]; f* p  ?$ Y4 T) u& H+ d& {, C7 D9 f4 E9 E
1 U* q* {, \0 n  e) W1 e; k$ Y
8 m, U" ^5 m0 C5 v# S/ Ahttp://www.suwpan.com/file/9bbd808a4cfeae13.html$ ^1 T5 G# k/ Z
& T: P) D6 l) c) s( m7 e% q
http://wpan.cc/file-285404.html6 p- N5 b( W. U+ L  B9 G
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這個我收藏了!謝謝分享! WK的資源越來越豐富!
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發表於 2023-9-10 02:07:25 | 只看該作者

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