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[英文] 有关体育的英语名言 [複製鏈接]

9 ^! J/ @4 ?/ \# d0 ?  The development of sports, improve the people's physical fitness.. M' z# @% b% a$ [4 l& n$ A! ^" }/ a
  2、运动兴,民族兴;运动衰,民族衰。  c# a: C0 D3 U* \
  Xing, xing nation, Sport and national failure.5 z. J8 @% N1 H: Z6 y6 d
% I" \, w. S# C5 I9 k4 i7 p  Life is movement, the person's life is movement.
2 m' m) X9 z' F! y- |  4、运动不负有心人,坚持时日必奏效。7 J6 Y9 Y) N* {1 l  u
  Sports pays off and sticking will work.
& W: m3 ?/ M* h. m. h  5、生活多美好啊,体育锻炼乐趣无穷。5 n0 A& ~1 y9 Q" x
  How wonderful life is, sports fun.8 D8 Z' k6 t6 I8 c& Y) ?' ~
# B0 i, [& P8 z0 ~( k, a) T  Noble entertainment, a boon to the life is precious.+ g& W* Z* t. H. D+ P5 L3 D
  7、人的健全,不但靠饮食,尤靠运动。8 O5 h( H6 G1 j; `7 H
  People's sound, not only rely on diet, especially on sports.
. I- B8 P/ ]7 V2 S5 Y  8、运动是健康的源泉,也是长寿的秘诀。
, X. \( D) c+ O) c7 j4 x  Sport is the source of health, is also the secret of longevity.3 }/ a# Q4 u% \+ d4 n+ x
  9、运动使人健康、使人聪明、使人快乐。% M* }. G' U2 T6 j( M( `( ~% P
  Sport makes a man healthy, makes a man wise, make people happy.. @- J! a& e* V5 g) l* f- H; c' ?
  10、体育是在理性轨道上运行的竞争机制。, F( V  ?# K8 l) ?+ ^; j
  Sports is the competition mechanism on rational orbit.
  d2 K- v* y4 l) W, r: X- u% h( h  11、体育是健、力、美三维一体的组合”。
6 h9 o- ]2 b; }/ p1 l6 e1 E3 j  Sports is health, strength, beauty three dimensional integrated combination ".2 M5 X+ X$ I" B" b) y
: R; ?+ y5 z1 L4 o  Power must be qiangming, qiangming must strengthen the strength must be strong to practice.
( k) S& q( k" P9 q  13、体育与教育一样,能使人更加健康健全。  H. X+ F2 X$ T0 i! Y5 ?
  Sports and education, can make people more healthy.
; j9 g) \1 ^( V! N  14、公平、和平、进步是竞技体育的核心价值。
# y$ A( v) Y* c$ @9 H# h4 F6 C, b5 }  Justice, peace and progress is the core value of competitive sports.) G& X' x8 E( C  n
, X1 p' U' Y2 Y, m8 H/ E8 T% L* X; d  Rolling Stones not long moss, exercise body and youth often in.
: [  `, B5 O1 k' e0 y  16、为他人的幸福而工作,才能达到自身的完善。
8 Q# F! n/ S9 d0 |  Work for the happiness of others, to achieve their own perfect.
6 ?4 Q" n: w' }" d, S0 s  17、人生的本质就在于运动,安谧宁静就是死亡。- D) h0 @+ q3 D/ M' s3 I' I; M
  The essence of life lies in sports, quiet quiet is death.
1 r, G5 I4 A8 {' c  18、静而少动,体弱多病;有静有动,无病无痛。
" |" H, M: |/ M' q4 E: @  Static and dynamic less, frail; Static with dynamic, disease-free painless.! A  w# {) |0 d: u
% J$ N' M: P" q' S; M  Stillness is death, can only open the eternal gate movement.
( r% z! K0 f8 }/ `" W; Y  20、我生平喜欢步行,运动给我带来了无穷的乐趣。! @" _4 [8 I5 l' y. y' o
  My life like walking, sports brings me endless joy.' \. z9 h1 o$ x/ U
  21、如果你有无法解决的烦恼,去参加体育运动吧。6 P$ s+ n  v! Z
  Couldn't solve the troubles, if you have to take part in sports.7 [8 v) z: K6 M
2 V  H$ m6 |. d# l. n& l  Make sports become a habit, a part of your life./ K2 ^  p2 Q. V. ]* e  ?1 @
. _+ ~/ a/ M! j+ S+ |1 _  Knowledge, often to small, but great weakness, and strong ear.2 B( `4 u9 s/ g' }4 n3 u
+ O( {! J: ^0 G7 U$ ^/ y2 i2 M$ f  Body is not only the foundation of the mind, mental development cannot leave the body hurt.) K9 }3 p/ r" g  U
" g  A! Z- J0 h; `/ \. n" v+ [$ e  b  Dance dance youth, sweat and sweat, out of love for life.3 d! X) ^2 |/ U/ g: b
2 @  I! M1 _5 J1 h* _  All kinds of entertainment compete advantages and disadvantages, the most can show the man against the wheat from the chaff.. W3 I% d* V( S  F: J: M1 g
" O5 o, j6 A' @( g5 R! {% e; A  Exercise is priceless investment in return for a describe return doesn't buy happiness.) f( `2 ]0 E& i5 t' [  S
* o) G$ b: I) v$ Y! C) _$ b  Education on tips, is that two kinds of exercise of body and mind can adjust to each other.
) t1 l1 b( P1 C, b" Z# d  29、身体虚弱,它将永远不全培养有活力的灵魂和智慧。/ Z3 Y1 J7 J; v& V9 m! P; ]
  The body weak, it will never fully cultivate energetic soul and wisdom.
  A# V; s: w3 o: v! u  30、运动是意志的煅烧,是心态的锻炼,是爱国的煅烧。, t/ `' D0 N2 p
  Sport is the will of the calcined, exercise is mentality, calcination is patriotic.
  ~6 k' H  D6 k& x
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