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[英文] 有关习惯的英语名言 [複製鏈接]

8 I  b$ w& y, I. R* n  Times are different, habits are also different." _4 r0 a' O* h' I: A
  2、所谓生活,就是习惯的织物。) j) E- |, O' q  @7 k& l
  The so-called life, the fabric that is habit./ U( w$ Q! c+ x9 |1 F& v5 b
) j; L0 M; P! Y  Life is not fair, get used to accept it.
! s1 D- F6 i: n, E# s  4、习惯形成性格,性格决定命运。
9 @$ L1 i& Q& y$ o1 u8 m# E1 n  V  Habit forming character, character determines destiny.( e& o9 x/ _+ U! o7 }( j# E
  5、人喜欢习惯,因为造它的就是自己。" ~/ Z' x3 m( v, ?1 A% ~" A
  People like to habit, because it is his.
; m* q# F  I* X$ S  6、习惯是一个人思想与行为的领导者。
% p8 [6 A0 t0 O) ]4 D3 @  Habit is a human thought and behavior of the leader.- ~: A% s6 W7 m+ X
2 l. k$ V! e' w+ E# _  Used together, left you feeling a little lonely.0 S! i$ X; S5 L+ q9 P
* J5 T. L; N0 m7 z* C3 `; Z7 u3 L  A person used to happiness, will become fragile.' b: p& l- l! s2 Z" T4 o( d
" d2 G8 o" h; M- s' g- o& }# L0 Q  Accustomed to lonely after, a person in the world.& D% H  y. S, b4 R  H2 J' s; x
  10、由智慧所养成的习惯能成为第二本性。0 X; _5 q# y6 W, K5 A9 n
  By the wisdom of habit will become second nature.& O5 D( j& O' }+ _5 w" j6 G
% G: T6 l7 L* p) U6 ^1 O0 ~+ d  Divide the social class to habit, not to mingle.
1 z1 w3 W* U# e4 Y& V) ^/ c, D  12、习惯如果不加抗拒,很快变成必需品。; p! G* e# Y6 Z" _4 L8 C  f4 V
  Habits without resistance, and soon become a necessity.- ]$ f: u+ y  V, c. d* e
) m, A; Z2 o$ M  I am accustomed to your habit, but you leave me more and more far!
+ A9 I7 _8 i: V  14、他们都习惯,抬头四十五度,仰望天际。& {9 W2 s, f4 C; p5 C1 c  O' D" s
  They are used to look up 45 degrees, look up at the sky.5 l3 _% m/ R6 S5 E; T: c
1 Z% ^. c. h. O" r# L8 I4 Y  Order will be used, clutter will have life.1 S1 g  S$ R5 y/ y
  16、习惯不是最好的仆人,便是最坏的主人。) p2 E( f* K9 W) X: A
  Habit is not the best servants, is the most bad master.; S, b2 V; J8 K/ B- r: Z; a
  17、明明就不习惯牵手,为何却主动把手勾?) ?+ t( l" Q/ r  O
  Yao is not used in hand, why but active hand hook?2 \) Y2 {8 ?: x% d, T
  18、习惯就是一切,甚至在爱情中也是如此。/ X3 y, ]- {! _& Y/ }. Y
  Habit is everything, even in love.  A6 v; V$ ]' H9 I. A
  19、习惯,我们每个人或多或少都是它的奴隶。7 i% ]: }+ V) O- d. H- G- x  r
  Habit, every one of us more or less are all slaves of it.
7 l- k- n' x. L$ k  V6 j) W- S+ `  20、人应该支配习惯,而决不能让习惯支配人。
" ]7 |: N. Q. l/ F: Q$ ^  People should dominate habit, and must not let people habit.
) C5 w" `2 r1 n0 [+ m( {  21、时间不是让人忘了痛,而是让人习惯了痛。
" E: a+ q2 L" a$ n7 N. {  Time is not let a person forget pain, but let a person accustomed to pain.
, Z1 w) M& E5 J, A. k' X) o  22、我已经习惯了新的生活,拜托不要再想起。
) s# q2 b3 y8 ?# K  F4 y) p  I got used to the new life, please don't recall it.
8 H, `) g- X& V1 Y& m  23、做不成你的喜欢,那么让我成为你的习惯吧。) Y, f* }& ^" P. D
  Do not you like, then let me become your habit.
) m. e. k& J, v+ g& O& `  24、习惯了你对人的依赖,虽然我也是一个孩子。9 M, ^! ^0 a0 h  s. n4 ?
  Accustomed to rely on you, although I was a child.
2 d/ P% r6 g8 t# t" S" j$ [1 K  25、在所有古老的习惯里,都有一种深刻的含义。
  D( l) R) x5 m, v: ~, Z  In all the old habits, has a profound meaning.
) J, u3 c: ~+ \' k6 v( u& d  26、当孤独成为一种习惯,寂寞便是默认的自然。. H. L9 j' R- L& U! G
  When loneliness becomes a habit, loneliness is the default nature.4 b' c8 N& [7 V  Q& ]
  27、习惯没有法律那样明智,可它们往往更盛行。/ i9 N" f4 m4 E! U8 [$ z* e& t
  Habit law did not sensible, but they tend to be more popular.: g, P: r; q. @7 ?+ C; u
  N2 g; q8 D" Q& D* [  People should dominate habit, and not allow their habit.$ c- i8 U! M8 i9 N/ W# ]" n
, W$ o" }4 G3 F" k) U0 t  At first is our habits, then is caused our habits.
( k( \7 m2 b4 f" [+ Q" ^  30、我独自度过了太多时光,沉默已成一种习惯。
5 n( @0 z9 y7 F6 v  I spend too much time alone, silence has become a habit.  R* w9 j9 e7 t5 G
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